The Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) is the UK's centre of excellence for integrated research in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. As one of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)'s public sector research centres, CEH conducts independent mission-driven research in support of NERC's strategic objectives and works closely with the scientific community, government departments and agencies, as well as the private sector.
CEH's research is aimed at improving understanding of the environment and the processes that support life on Earth. We are particularly interested in the impacts of human activity on the world around us and in developing ready-to-use approaches for achieving environmental sustainability.
Our skills and expertise range from the smallest scale (the gene) to the largest scale (whole Earth systems). Our science tackles the environment in a holistic manner, integrating a wide range of scientific disciplines. This combines basic, applied and strategic research.
CEH delivers its research through three interdependent Science Programmes:
- Biodiversity
- Water
- Biogeochemistry
The three Programmes are supported by the establishment of the Environmental Information Data Centre.
Located at sites in England, Scotland and Wales, CEH's regional presence and extensive network of long-term monitoring and experimental field sites provide access to diverse ecosystems and support an internationally renowned research capacity.
We are a major custodian of environmental data, including 20 million records of 12,000 species occurring across Britain and Ireland, as well as records of over 50,000 station years of daily and monthly river flow data, derived from over 1,300 gauging stations throughout the UK. We are engaged in major international networks, such as the Partnership for European Environmental Research (PEER) and the EurAqua Network of European Freshwater Research Organisations. We also lead European and global research efforts including the International Cooperative Programme on Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Vegetation and Crops.
Our unique combination of cross-cutting scientific expertise, long-term environmental monitoring and state-of-the-art research infrastructure enable us to deliver practicable solutions so that future generations can benefit from a rich and healthy environment.